
Impact Story: Martin Bolteada

Martin Bolteada is the father of Carla Bolteada. Carla is in the 11th grade and is currently receiving support from our College Town program at Reality Changers.

What was your life like before your child joined Reality Changers and how has it changed? 

For me, it was an obstacle to help my student with school work because English is not my first language. I only finished high school so I could not help them with a lot of their work. Reality Changers has changed our lives a lot because they have motivated my children to get good grades, get involved with the community, and do everything they can to make it college one day. Reality Changers has been a positive influence for my children and I will forever be thankful. 

What is one way Reality Changers supports you and your family during this global pandemic? 

Reality Changers continues serving my family. They provide academic support for our children and they also offer help and information about financial assistance or unemployment aid for parents. 

How did it feel when Reality Changers was able to provide you and/or your child with support?

Honestly, it was a relief for us because my student has been able to receive support three times a week. 

What would you say to someone considering making a donation to Reality Changers?

I would thank them and I would say that their donation is like an umbrella for all those seeds that are waiting for an opportunity to be born and bear good fruit for our community. 

What do you think other people should know about Reality Changers? 

Reality Changers is a non-profit program that works very hard so that our children can become successful college graduates. They are doing everything they can to motivate our students to pursue higher education and set a great example for future generations in our community.

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