High School Tips

about how many colleges should i apply to

How Many Colleges Should You Apply To? A Simple Guide

When it comes to applying for college, the world is your oyster. With no limit on the number of applications a person can submit, many ...
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entry level resume

Popular Resumes for College and High School Students

In today's competitive academic and job market, standing out from the crowd is more important than ever for college and high school students. Crafting a ...
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what do colleges look for

What Do Colleges Look For in Students?

As high school students begin the college application process, one question looms: what do colleges look for in students? This question often sparks anxiety and ...
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What to Look for in a High School Mentoring Program

A high school mentoring program helps students develop critical social skills, encourages academic achievement, and provides positive, life-enriching student experiences. Reality Changers provides mentorship programs ...
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