
Volunteer Spotlight: Amanda Nachman

Amanda Nachman has volunteered as a tutor with College Apps Academy for the past 3 years at Reality Changers.

What makes volunteering with Reality Changers meaningful?

I’m passionate about helping students tell their story. Volunteering at RC has allowed me to connect with students and help them which brings me so much joy. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know my College Apps Academy cohort and helping them tell their story through their college essays. So many of us undermine our talents, passions, ideas and experiences; I try to help students see all the ways in which they are unique and qualified. I feel honored to be part of my RC students’ college journeys. 

What do you do outside of Reality Changers?

I’ve been writing a book called #QUALIFIED: You Are More Impressive Than You Realize. I speak at universities to help students see how they can level up their story and build their personal brand. I also run In my free time I love to go on hikes around San Diego with my dog Frankie.

Tell us about a time that was a meaningful moment for you as a Reality Changers volunteer.

Sitting down with one student who didn’t think she had a story to tell and then helping her uncover the very amazing transformation story that she had as a new athlete who felt antisocial and struggled with school, to leading and involved member on her track team with a very high GPA.

What is one opportunity that you are currently focused on in your role as a volunteer?

I focus on helping students identify what they’re passionate about so they can go after their dreams and study a subject they’ll enjoy.

If you could encourage someone else to volunteer at our organization, what do you wish they knew about Reality Changers?

The impact you will have on the RC students will be exponential. Your time, 2 hours a week makes a difference that you can see before your eyes.

What is something you’ve learned while at Reality Changers?

I learned that the best way to get someone to see their story vividly and pull out the details is to ask them to see their life as a film, frame by frame. The best writing and storytelling came from this activity

Anything else you want to share about volunteering at RC?

It has been such a pleasure. I am so impressed with the intention, action and impact of RC’s program and team.


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