Pre-College Tips

about how many colleges should i apply to

How Many Colleges Should You Apply To? A Simple Guide

When it comes to applying for college, the world is your oyster. With no limit on the number of applications a person can submit, many ...
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what do colleges look for

What Do Colleges Look For in Students?

As high school students begin the college application process, one question looms: what do colleges look for in students? This question often sparks anxiety and ...
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Scholarships 101: How to Get a College Scholarship

College scholarships are a great way to pay for your education. Given the rising college tuition rates, it’s wise to research financial aid. Many students ...
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How to Get Ready for The College Application Process

Gather your application materials: it’s time to submit essays, meet deadlines, and achieve your dreams of getting into college! While applying to college might initially ...
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What Happens Now? Making the BIG College Decision

When factoring in all of the details involved in selecting a college, many students don’t know where to begin. Although selecting a college where you ...
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College Readiness: The Importance of Preparing For College While in High School

Reality Changers has a history of helping underserved San Diego-area youth realize their college dreams. Our targeted academic and personal growth model helps students with ...
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Nailing Your College Transition

Congratulations! You have graduated from high school and will start attending college in the Fall. Before you begin taking courses at your dream university, we ...
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Get FREE Money For College: A Guide to Scholarships

Do you know where to look for scholarships? With so many websites and organizations out there, it can be difficult to know when a scholarship ...
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Financial Aid: FAFSA & Dream Act Application

Happy October! Although some people celebrate this month as the start of fall, pumpkin spice season, or the only month eating candy corn for breakfast ...
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7 Tips for High School Students Preparing for College

College preparation: two of the scariest words in the English language. But they don’t have to be. Like everything else, even the most daunting challenges ...
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