Impact Story: Anthony Wang

Anthony Wang has been a volunteer tutor with Reality Changers for nearly two years.

What has been the biggest challenge you have seen your students face due COVID-19?

By far the most common challenge that my students are facing is adapting to a new pattern of life. While dealing with the abrupt change to an online learning environment and abiding by social distancing measures due to COVID-19, my students have expressed fear in the uncertainty of their new situation, especially when it comes to school. Will they be able to schedule one-on-one time with their teachers? How will they complete their standardized testing? How will this affect college admissions and the college admissions process? How are their friends/relatives doing, and when will they be able to see each other again? It’s clear that COVID-19 has disrupted the norm in my students’ lives, but knowing their sense of drive and resilience, I have confidence that they will overcome.

During this time, what has it meant to be able to provide support to Reality Changers students?

I was glad to still be able to provide the same support through video conferencing to my students that I would have if I were seeing them in. To be able to adapt to these new standards with my students constantly reminds me that we were all in this together. I’m proud to virtually stand by my students’ side and counsel them through their academic challenges, for the remainder of these social distancing measures and beyond.

With so many great organizations to support, why should individuals choose to support Reality Changers?

Throughout my time with Reality Changers, the biggest thing that continues to inspire me to volunteer for this organization is their dedication to their students. The programming they organize, such as daily life lesson sessions, one-on-one meetings with Achievement Coaches, and tutoring services from current college and graduate school students, meets each of their student’s needs in every dimension. The services they provide to the student population that needs them the most are truly invaluable. Supporting Reality Changers is supporting real and better change for students of the inner-city San Diego community.

What do you think other people should know about Reality Changers?

Many of us volunteer with Reality Changers because we have passion and true belief in the mission: helping inner-city youth become first-generation college graduates. The staff and volunteers compose a diverse group, from long-time San Diego residents to visiting scholars from all across the country. Nowhere else have I seen such as strong collection of individual passion and dedication to student youth than I have at Reality Changers, and that reflects in the success of the program.

What are some of your hopes for the future?

I hope that Reality Changers gains more of the recognition it deserves, and that the organization continues to find more success.


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