5 smiling future first-gen college students

College Changes Everything

Reality Changers is a nonprofit organization in San Diego that prepares youth to become first-generation college graduates and agents of change in their community.

Steven's Story

Get to know Steven, a Class of 2022 high school graduate, who is currently completing his first year at San Diego State University.

Student working on a poster

Give Monthly

Monthly giving spreads the financial impact of your contributions across the entire year, lessening the one-time impact on your wallet and allowing you to give more over time.

Our Work

Smiling high school graduate with cap and gown

Supporting First-Generation Futures

Reality Changers serves youth who will be the first in their families to graduate from college. Our programs support students from racial, ethnic, socio-economic, and academic backgrounds that are typically underrepresented on college campuses and overlooked by institutions. In fact, before Reality Changers, many of our students may not have considered themselves "college material."

Launching Agents of Change

College degrees create new opportunities for individuals. On average, a Bachelor's degree increases a person's lifetime earnings by 84%.

College builds equity for underserved communities. Not only do our graduates bring new economic resources to their families and neighborhoods, they also and work, invest, and get involved in their communities.

2 young adults in professional attire

Our Youth

High school student standing outside

Alvaro (โ€˜23)

The Preuss School UC San Diego
โ€œReality Changers shows you that school could change your life, even if you donโ€™t think it might.โ€
Karina Cardenas Graduation

Karina (โ€˜17)

UC Berkeley
โ€œReality Changers has definitely been the backbone in my life, in my academics and on a personal level.โ€

Michael (โ€˜10)

โ€œReality Changers taught me how to discover the power of my own story.โ€

Our Impact


X 8

Eight times more likely
to graduate from college


people served Annually
8th grade to career & families


High School Graduates
Since 2001

Our Programs

A volunteer tutor helps a high school student

College Town

College Town is a cost-free afterschool and summer program for 8th-11th graders. The curriculum focuses on building a strong foundation of academic, personal, and community-building skills. Students receive tutoring, join field trips, participate in community service outings, and more. Programs for families help to build resiliency and prepare parents for college.


College Apps Academy provides cost-free support for high school seniors through the college application process and beyond. We help students get into the 2 and 4-year institutions that are the best fit for them, with an emphasis on maximizing financial aid options and preparing for college life.

Reality Changers alumni at a reunion

The Alumni Network

Just getting first-generation students into college isnโ€™t enough. Nationally, 90% of first-generation, low-income college students donโ€™t graduate within six years. The Alumni Network helps youth get through college graduation and launch their careers.


Volunteer tutor helps a student who is using a computer


Looking to get involved with nonprofit organizations in San Diego? You can be the person that makes a difference in a young personโ€™s life.



Come see our education center and meet students working to become first-generation college graduates.



Help youth achieve their dreams.

Blog and Media Coverage

See How Reality Changers Makes a Difference

why education is so important

Why Is Education Important? Transforming Lives Through Learning

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world,” Nelson Mandela once said, and his words ring true now more than ever. Studies show that individuals with higher levels of education earn significantly more over their lifetimes and are more likely to contribute positively to their communities.  Education not only equips us […]

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Breaking the Cycle: How Education Can Solve Income Inequality

Income inequality affects millions, creating a gap in society that feels impossible to bridge. This divide limits access to essential resources, healthcare, and opportunities, denying many the chance for socioeconomic mobility. Education is a game-changer for low-income families. With a quality education, individuals can access better jobs, earn higher incomes, and improve their overall quality […]

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college graduate smiling holding degree

College Degrees: The Pros, Benefits, and Pathway to Better Career Prospects and Financial Stability

Ever wonder if getting a college degree is really worth it? You’re not alone. Many of us question whether the time, effort, and money invested in higher education truly pays off. At Reality Changers, we see firsthand how earning a degree can open doors to better career prospects and financial stability.  Whether you’re a current […]

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students for higher learning to earn a higher salary

Does Education Make a Difference in Salary? Understanding the Impact of Higher Learning on Earnings

Have you ever wondered if all those late nights studying and hefty tuition fees really pay off? For first-generation college students, this question is especially important. Education isn’t just about getting a degree; itโ€™s a potential key to better-paying jobs and financial stability. Does education make a difference in salary? Itโ€™s a question many students […]

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